S covers the social conditions of both our own employees and the workers in the supply chain. This includes working conditions, human rights, diversity, and more.


We are very aware that our employees are our most important resources. At the same time, we have a significant obligation to the people in our supply chain and the surrounding community.


Read the Danish ESG report

Here on this page, we delve into the theme of S – social, which encompasses people and communities.

Here, we will present our staff and the initiatives we have undertaken to support a healthy, safe, and secure workplace. Additionally, we will explore our interactions with the supply chain and our neighbors.

We are ISO 45001 certified and work systematically on well-being and workplace environment.

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Own employees

We are together

This year, we have chosen to focus on how we translate our company strategy into an internal strategy that employees can relate to. It should be a set of values that each employee can use as a guide in their daily work, especially when faced with decisions and not necessarily able to consult their manager each time.

sikkerhedshjelm ikon
hånd med hjerte ikon
mangfoldighed ikon
mål ikon
engagerede ikon<br />
nytænkende pære ikon<br />

Safety conscious







Vi passer på os selv og hinanden


Vi ved, at vores valg og handlinger påvirker verden omkring os


Vi har mange kompetencer hver især og sammen, og det gør os stærkere


Vi går målrettet efter at skabe løsninger for miljø, mennesker og forretning


Vi ønsker at gøre en forskel for hinanden og vores omverden


Vi bruger vores nysgerrighed til at udfordre ”plejer”

Based on the six adjectives that form the word SAMMEN in danish, we have initiated quarterly themes for all employees to work on.

These include a focus on:

Security issues internally at HJHansen Recycling Group

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tegnet illustration af skrot, grab og to mennesker


We are aware that we have a workplace where there is a need for a high level of safety and familiarity with safety procedures. As we acquire more sites, it becomes increasingly important that safety is streamlined. Therefore, this year we have taken a range of initiatives to elevate our safety standards.

The authorized occupational health advisor Avidenz has prepared a report for us based on the site at Havnegade 110 in Odense.

They assessed risk areas and machinery safety and, based on this, produced a report with various action areas. We have implemented some of their recommendations, and the work will continue into the next financial year.

We continuously work on optimizing the safety of our sites, and this year we have placed extra focus on:

Signs at the Sites

Updating safety signs at our sites so that the messages are clear regardless of the language spoken. It is important to us that it is clearly communicated how to act safely, both for external and internal personnel, at any of our sites.

Safety Clothing

Everyone on our sites must adhere to a safety standard in their clothing. This means: safety helmets, reflective clothing (at a minimum on the upper body), safety shoes, and long trousers. These rules apply whether one is internal or external. This has been and will continue to be an essential focus point, as proper visibility enhances safety.

Billede af 6 mænd i gult arbejdstøj

This year, we have acquired a new supplier of safety clothing. The new apparel is not only more visible and more comfortable, but it is also returned to the manufacturer for recycling after use.


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Hjertestart piktogram

Hear defibrillators: 

This year, we’ve achieved the goal of installing defibrillators at all sites where a publicly accessible one isn’t available within 300 meters.

Førstehjælp piktogram

First aid, defibrillation, and fire fighting:

All our employees should know how to respond in case of an accident. That’s why we offer all employees a course focusing on both first aid, defibrillation, and fire fighting. This year, 36 employees have completed the course.

Beredskab ikon<br />

Emergency Preparedness:

Every year, we receive a safety report from FALCK, and based on that, we’ve conducted a critical review of our procedures this year, as well as optimized our equipment and knowledge of firefighting. At all our sites, we have action cards with instructions to guide in case of accidents.

Rapport piktogram

Incident Reporting:

We aim to implement a new app for registering near-miss incidents, allowing our employees to report and document incidents on the spot. The ambition was to roll out the app within this fiscal year, but due to resource constraints and IT issues, the goal is shifted to the next fiscal year

malerspand ikon

Chemical Handling:

For the systematic organization, registration, and storage of safety data sheets for all our chemicals, we use the CHESS platform. Currently, our employees primarily come into contact with chemicals when handling paint or oil, and for this, everyone is informed about proper handling upon employment.

Work Environment

At HJHansen Recycling Group, we have a workplace health and safety policy that covers the following areas:
  • Compliance with legal requirements and other regulations
  • Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment
  • Accident prevention
  • Establishing workplace health and safety goals
  • Continuous improvement of workplace health and safety
  • Management commitments

The workplace health and safety groups

All workplace health and safety groups have received additional training this year, ensuring that during their safety rounds, they have even more attentive eyes on potential risks. Furthermore, workplace health and safety, along with well-being, are now included in all morning meetings, fulfilling an ambition for this fiscal year.

New initiatives in this financial year

  • Custom-molded earplugs for welders to best protect their hearing
  • Noise indicators in offices
  • Installation of soundproofing booths for conference calls
  • Additional noise barriers and acoustic panels in our open-plan offices
  • Availability of headsets with noise-cancelling features

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Employee Involvement

As a company, we set the framework for our employees’ work environment and daily routines. We are very attentive to ensuring employee involvement so that we can continuously adjust our frameworks, structures, and systems.

We have a number of initiatives to ensure employee involvement:

Illustration af to mennesker der snakker og giver hånd

Management system

We have a management system in place to ensure ongoing dialogue, involvement, and collaboration with all our employees. This year, we’ve revised our management system. In this context, we’ve decided to introduce employee development interviews (MUS) for all hourly employees as well.

Samarbejde/rådgivning ikon

The cooperation committee

The Cooperation Committee aims to contribute constructively to the management of collaboration within the company. The committee consists of representatives from both employees and management.

Streg illustration af to medarbejdere der snakker og drikker kaffe

The workplace health and safety organization

Here, we aim to ensure communication and action regarding workplace health and safety. It’s crucial for us that workplace health and safety is addressed at all levels, ensuring the most nuanced insight possible.

tegnet lilla puslespilsbrikker

The rules

Our rules are used to assist and guide us when facing a challenge or dilemma. In these rules, we emphasize clearly that we desire an open dialogue, where an employee should never hesitate to approach anyone in the company with a concern or problem.

Portrait picture of HJHansen's HR Manager, Henriette.

Employee Well-being

Employee well-being is a crucial factor for our success and productivity. It’s about creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to perform their best. Employee well-being encompasses both physical and mental health, and we continuously implement measures to contribute to a good working environment for our employees.

We provide health insurance and online medical consultations through PFA and monitor well-being through Howdy, our management system, workplace risk assessments (APV), and daily dialogue. We regularly communicate about Howdy during information meetings, on information screens, and encourage department managers to engage in dialogue within their respective departments. Additionally, we’ve conducted various workshops with Howdy’s advisors to ensure that department managers are as well-equipped as possible to understand and convey well-being data and to handle situations where declining well-being arises.


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At HJHansen Recycling Group, we treat everyone with respect and dignity. We focus on ensuring a work environment free from any form of negative treatment, where we respect everyone regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, health, or sexual orientation. We have a variety of jobs and employees with diverse backgrounds. We also employ individuals from many different nationalities and native languages. One of our core values is our diversity and our ability to accommodate many different personalities.

In our welding workshop, we have considerable experience bringing a young person on the edge of the job market into an internship. The young intern experiences being heard and contributing meaningfully to daily operations. We only take in one intern at a time to provide the proper support. We often see these young individuals thrive and become permanent employees after their internship.

smed fra HJHansen Recycling Group med maske. gnister.


Once again this year, we’ve had the pleasure of celebrating many anniversaries.

It’s a great joy that we can periodically celebrate our loyal employees, who make a significant difference every day. We would like to thank them for their hard work.

45-year anniversary

40-year anniversary

25-year anniversary

20-year anniversary

15-year anniversary

10-year anniversary


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Stregtegning illustration af uddannelse


We prioritize professional and personal development for all employees. In a time where society is constantly evolving, it’s important for individuals to keep pace—both with new skills and with a general ability to navigate change. Leaders and employees, along with HR, share the responsibility to ensure that employees and departments have the right skills available for current and future tasks.

Education of our middle management group is crucial, as they are strong cultural drivers in the company. Therefore, this year they have embarked on a training program where they have learned about fostering good meeting culture, enhancing their understanding of people, and establishing a balance between their roles as leaders and team members. Our goal is to create a strong and effective middle management team.

Employees in the Value Chain

We feel a responsibility to ensure proper conditions in our supply chain, which is why we have developed a Code of Conduct where we condemn forced labor, child labor, and human rights violations. We work on this through our Approved Buyer System, where our buyers must sign our Code of Conduct for business partners.

streg illustration underskrift

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