Stainless steel

Stainless steel is a collective term for a range of metal alloys, all of which contain iron and at least 10-12% chromium and a maximum of 1.2% carbon.

HJHansen buys all forms of stainless steel

Most types of stainless steel contain nickel and chrome, whereas the more corrosion-resistant types of stainless steel also contain molybdenum.

Other alloying elements are added depending on the desired properties of the steel.

These elements are crucial for whether one desires mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, good weldability, good elongation at break, or other characteristics.

Examples of everyday stainless steel:

  • Walkways, railings, and other building elements
  • Pots, cutlery, and other kitchenware

HJHansen buys all forms of stainless steel, both the common grades, but also all forms of high-alloy grades and specialty steel.


304 Solid

Clean stainless steel with 18% chrome and 8% nickel.


304 Shredded

Clean, fragmentized stainless steel with a minimum of 17% chrome and 7% nickel.


316 Solid

Clean stainless steel with 18% chrome, 10% nickel, and 2% molybdenum.


Duplex Solid

All kinds of solid duplex, qualities not mixed.


Duplex Turnings

All kinds of duplex turnings, qualities not mixed. 


Chrome Steel

Chrome Steel with different percentages of chrome. The specific requirements and qualities are to be discussed prior to the sale.


High Speed

All types of fractions containing high speed alloys. The specific requirements and qualities are to be discussed prior to the sale.  

Nærbillede af nikkel, som er det 28. grundstof i det periodiske system og har det kemiske symbol Ni: Under normale temperatur- og trykforhold optræder dette overgangsmetal som et sølvhvidt, skinnende metal med en høj massefylde


The specific requirements for nickel are to be discussed prior to the sale.



All types of fractions containing titanium. The specific requirements and qualities are to be discussed prior to the sale.



All types of fractions containing wolfram alloys. The specific requirements and qualities are to be discussed prior to the sale.  

Contact us - E-mail or call 

With our extensive know-how, HJHansen can advise you and your company on the best solutions. Contact us and we will give you a tailored offer through a close dialogue.


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